A Guide to Rome’s Epiphany Celebration: from Piazza Navona to Sweet Treats

Piazza Navona Epiphany feast

Visiting Rome during the Winter Holidays is one of the best ways to fully immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of this magical city. As the city fills up with Christmas lights and decorations, getting incredibly colorful, many activities and chances to have an unforgettable experience arise! Traditionally, Christmas Holidays come to an end when Italians celebrate The Epiphany, known in Italy as “L’Epifania” on January 6th, as the popular saying “L’Epifania, tutte le feste porta via!” says.

Let’s find out something more about spending the Epiphany feast in Italy, more precisely in Rome, and some of the best things to do on this day!

Legend and Traditions

First and foremost, let’s talk a little more about the protagonist of the Epiphany feast: la Befana. This beloved Christmas character is typically depicted as a witch who goes around on a broomstick during the night between the 5th and 6th of January to bring sweet treats and gifts to the kids that were good throughout the year, similar to Santa Claus. The kids that were mostly naughty receive a bucket full of coal (this is usually done as a joke and the coal given is actually made of sugar!). All of the sweet treats are placed by la Befana in an Epiphany Stocking that kids leave hanging before going to bed.

The Meaning of Epiphany

Even though traditions associate this feast with the legend of the Befana, the Epiphany is actually a Christian holiday that commemorates the arrival of the Three Kings, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, also known as Re Magi to baby Jesus’ crib. They apparently traveled a long distance to honor the birth of Jesus Christ and brought him many gifts.

Piazza Navona Magic: Rome’s Epiphany Market

If you’re looking for things to do on this special feast whilst in Rome, we strongly suggest you go to the Piazza Navona Christmas Market! The Epiphany feast actually marks the last day that this market is held and, because of this, the atmosphere gets truly special. It fills up the whole square and it’s the perfect way to spend the day for both couples and families. It’s also one of the best places to buy souvenirs for your loved ones back home!

Important Tips for Epiphany Visitors: Opening Hours and Attractions

If you’re coming to Rome on the 6th of January to visit the main tourist attractions like the Vatican Museums, the Colosseum, or the Pantheon, there is some important info to keep in mind. The Vatican Museums are actually closed on January 6th, as well as many other Churches. We always recommend checking online for the opening times of these points of interest as they may vary. The Colosseum is instead open and you can visit it by booking a private tour with us here! If you want to get the full and best experience of the city of Rome, we strongly recommend you book a Best of Rome Private Tour with us.

Traditional Epiphany Foods to Try in Rome

Food is a core element of Italian culture and the Christmas Holidays are a very great example of this. If you’re in Rome on the Epiphany feast, make sure you take the time to try some of the most delicious traditional Christmas food such as Struffoli, Fugassa d’la Befana, Cavallucci di Siena, Cammelli di Pasta Sfoglia, Pepatelli and much more. Keep in mind that some of these traditional foods are tied to some regions and parts of Italy more than others so you may not find them everywhere!


Visiting the Eternal City of Rome during the Christmas Holidays is a fantastic way to get to know more about Italy’s Holidays and traditions and also immerse yourself in the beauty of the city of Rome covered in Christmas lights and decorations. If you want to get to know more about this magical city, make sure you check out our other blogs.

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